A note to the Sangha from Kaizan Doug Jacobson

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Greetings from Jikoji!

May all of you and your families and communities be safe in these times. 

In this new world, everywhere folks are finding, rediscovering, and refining ways to take best care of ourselves and this planet. How can we, each of us, Jikoji, and other groups and sanghas, be examples and support every good in the larger world? This is important for us to consider in this time when the human race has abruptly stopped. 

For those of us sheltering-in-place here at Jikoji, we are continuing the practice period schedule begun with Nehan-e Sesshin and plan to extend it to the Kobun Memorial Sesshin in late July. As we take care of this temple and the grounds, we know that as a temple valued by countless beings we have a responsibility to take best care of this space and place of wholesome agency for beings.

Spring has finally arrived. The winter rains have moistened the ground deeply, so pulling some of the deep root weeds one can get a rich sense of the soft saturated soil, soon to be baked hard in the summer sun. With spring planting in the garden, the cared for seedlings attended by Mike now move to a nurturing spot in the replenished raised beds. The spring blossoms of plum and apple trees and many native shrubs and flowers make us deeply appreciate all the earth’s gifts.

We look forward to the time when we can meet and practice again in person.

With gratitude,
Kaizan Doug Jacobson