A note to the Sangha from Kaizan Doug Jacobson

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Greetings Jikoji Sangha,

With deep gratitude for this place and time,
And for this shared existence and the many beings in our lives,
For health and well being everywhere.

With deep gratitude for those assisting the sick in hospitals and everywhere, the graphs show it only getting worse for many parts of the country. How to assist the effort, how to provide support – these are questions we each can find ways to answer into the foreseeable future.

All of our lives are being challenged with uncertainties and suffering in many realms. Some certainty may appear in our serious concern for our communities, nations and globe; learning what is essential; learning what is non-essential; seeing many of our erred assumptions with new backdrops and different contexts.

This small virus has shown how totally interconnected we are.
And ground us to this spot.

Although we have postponed the public Tanjo-e sesshin until late July or when gatherings may again be allowed, those of us sheltering-in-place at Jikoji are honoring Tanjo-e starting today through Sunday, April 5. Our modified schedule appears below. We invite you to join us from your own space, as we sit for all beings. 

With great fondness for each of you.

Kaizan Doug Jacobson