A note to the Sangha Kaizan Doug Jacobson

May 19, 2020

This spring has brought us more rain and many days in the mist and clouds spilling into this undulating valley that drains into Pescadero Creek that drains into the Pacific Ocean. So a drop of rain on our roof, drips onto the ground and then percolates endlessly into all its phase states.

So what phase and state am I in? Are we in? We are molecular-cellular bits of this civilization organism. A molecular-cellular mind generator we call human being. We each have a long line of genetic material between this body and the first organism we all came from. Imagine all the stardust our ancestors had to eat for us to get to right here now.

As human beings through many phases and states, helpful to remember that, as the Dali Lama recounted in his Dharma talk last week, the he himself first is a human being (thank you for remembering, John S!) Is it possible to all agree that first we are human beings? Maybe some of us can agree and it will catch on.

The study of the Six Perfections continues with our shuso, Connie Ralls. Helpful to remember the self “as a changing, fluid construct created by the dynamics of mind.” (Joanne Macy, 1991). This changing fluid construct of selfness/selflessness gets guidance from these paramitas of generosity, morality, tolerance, energy, concentration, and wisdom. These wondrously rich mind tools are always available and useful.

May all beings be happy.
May all relations be fulfilled.

Kaizan Doug Jacobson