My Practice Today by Kaizan Doug Jacobson

Greetings to all beings.
Jikoji meadows are finally turning brown completely, transitioning into the dry golden summer. Last week, with record 100 degree F above the Arctic Circle and cold in the Santa Cruz Mountains to the low 40s as summer begins – what a strange world.
Bodisattvas apply continuous effort and awareness. When we recognize and remember how we are the product of efforts by countless beings, for our birth and upbringing, shelter and sustenance, education, support of societal structures (education, governance, healthcare, infrastructure, public utilities.) With profound gratitude for this existence, we can with curiosity put ourselves out to meet the moment when it shows up. Our practice as bodhisattvas is being skillful and helpful with others and about bringing out the best in what others have to offer.
Our role as bodhisattvas gives us agency to engage with the three pure precepts, to “ stop all evil, support every good, sustain all beings.”
One of the modes we now commonly use is the internet to hook up with our sangha and work and friends and family.     Like our air and water, the internet is a fluid resource that absorbs all things – smoke in air, sewage in water, hate in the web.
We expect our Air Quality Board to look out for our air quality and let us know when it will be bad. We expect the public water, sewer and power agencies to provide safe service. Can we expect the  caretakers and overlords of the internet to protect the health of our societies by exposing hate when it arises? Individuals and groups who sow hate are rarely restrained by the public agencies/companies. Is a little sewage ok in the drinking water? Is a little sewage ok in public platforms?
As bodhisattvas, what would you do? What can one do to encourage civic responsibility on the part of for-profit companies? Do the precepts apply? Can companies and agencies be bodhisattvas? You betcha! Many already are. To not pollute the air, water and web requires standards and regulations and laws and enforcement and oversight and monitoring. We are living in the times again of the Wild West. It has been an entertaining yet very painful ride that bodes ill. Blindly going where no country has gone before.
What binds us to our core is being true to ourselves. A bodhisattva can turn one’s attention outward to offer a listen, give a hand, be of help, which may be to get out of the way. This is all good work we can do. Grounded in our Buddha-nature and grounded in the perfections, we wholeheartedly step into our life.
Bird treetop songs
Dispel views
My practice today
Walk to zendo
On low path
My practice today
Ears in the trees
Feet on earth
My practice today